Friday, March 23, 2012

"The purpose of life, is a life of purpose."

When we walk in purpose everything starts to serve its purpose.

It’s crazy how God is so supernatural yet simple. Sometimes He uses the most unusual things to teach us something new.

With that said, a couple of weeks ago I was at work using my pen to fill out a settlement worksheet and I got, what we call, a revelation. The pen I was using was serving its purpose; which was to draw ink from within so I could write with it. [Note:  It was only working because I applied purpose to it.] If I had been trying to use the pen for anything else besides writing, it wouldn’t have worked as effectively as for the reason why it was created. Are you following me?

Now, I was created by God with a purpose and since I am walking in my purpose, whatever I do has to serve its purpose. If I need to get from point A to point B, I’ll use my car, which has to serve its purpose by taking me where I need to go. If do anything else besides what God has called me to do I will not be as effective as I could be if I was doing what I was created to do.

We were all hand crafted with purpose in our genes and as much as we can park ourselves in a garage, that won’t make us a car. You need to read your own manual. Stop acting like you’re a Honda when you’re Bentley.

Sometimes things don’t go right in our lives and we wonder “why isn’t it working out for me in the same way its working for someone else?” Don’t compare yourself. You’re also a  son/daughter of God. If you just begin to walk in your purpose you don’t have to force things to happen, they just do. I wrote a tweet that said “I don’t chase after blessings, I chase God and His blessings chase me.”

Walking in purpose gives you access to places, people, and things that otherwise you would not be able to get in contact with.

Walking in purpose allows doors of advancement and opportunity to open automatically in your presence.

People of God, we need to stop putting so much effort into doing nothing! Relax, let God guide our lives. Purpose provides a passage that you can take as an express pass to the ride of your life.

There is a reason why you didn’t die in that accident.
There is a reason why you made it through that over dose.
There is a reason that you were healed from that disease.
There is a reason why you woke up this morning.
There is a reason why your reading this blog right now…
God hasn’t given up on you! Get up today and live a purpose-filled life.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Set back to Set up

Set Back to Set Up

This is a declaration for you today. Whatever you are going through, remember you are just “going through” it! It won’t last forever!

God, I declare that today, You remove any depression that has come due to failures in life.

I declare your people respond to Your call in their life and not just react to the surrounding circumstances.

I decree that we are purposed filled and divinely favored by the King.

Every rejection we have faced turns into direction; to where You want to take us.

I declare that your people are not overwhelmed with their problem, but they are overwhelmed with their God!

I declare we are not standing still but we are moving forward!

I declare that your people stop using lack of resources and money as an excuse, but that they look up to a God who is THE SOURCE! The one who created gold and silver.

I declare that any fear in your people is replaced with faith! Faith to stand before the mountain and tell that thing to MOVE and it has to get out of their way!

I decree that we do not grow weary because in due season we shall reap what is ours.

We are not overcome but we overcome! We have champion DNA.

In the name of Jesus, I declare your set back is a set up; for a move of God in your life!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Make Decisions, Not Excuses

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it! Every day you have a decision. You can either respond to life’s circumstances according to God’s word or you can react emotionally.

For those who have been in the car with me before, you know that I am not too great with directions. As a matter of fact, I can’t go too far without using my handy dandy Tom Tom to get around. One thing I’ve noticed about myself is when I’m traveling, I always try to assume which direction I should be headed. If the city is not Miami, I tend to think, "Ok, I need to get on the Palmetto expressway.” That’s not always the case. I usually end up going in the wrong direction, but thankfully, my GPS finds a new route for me to get to the exact same destination.

It’s inevitable that life will bring us detours, moments, and circumstances that we weren’t prepared to encounter on the road. We can be headed towards our destination and hit road blocks along the way but our God (GPS) is faithful enough to re-route your direction.

God can turn our tribulations into triumphs.

When you want to give up, remember God makes no mistakes.

We fail Him daily, but He is already preparing an alternative route.

Joel Osteen said, "When you release your faith in uncommon ways, you’ll see God do uncommon things." My friends, don’t let people, things, work, finances, or anything determine your destiny. If you will come in agreement with God, He will get you where He wants you to be.

I declare that no matter what situation you find yourself in, God is providing you with an exit.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I look better in the future

The other day at church my pastor was preaching about breaking free
from the box. The box can be religion, poor mindset, negative words
spoken against you, pretty much anything that doesn’t let you live in
total freedom. He was saying how “living life” isn’t about a calendar
full of events but about being in the will of God. Sometimes we go
through things in life; trials, tribulations, or what we often call
deserts, where everything seems dry and desolate. The bible says in
James 1:2,“Count it all joy when you go through various trials.” I
think to myself, "What?!?! How can I rejoice when I feel like I’m
going through the worst time in my life?" I have good news my friends,
the desert is only an indication that there is a promise land!

I don’t know how long you’ve been in your dry place or where you’ve
felt stuck as if God doesn’t hear you or care for you. Maybe you think
that’s as far as you can go because of what you’ve done in your past.
However, God doesn’t determine our future based on our past. He uses
our past to glorify Himself in using it as a stepping stone to launch
us where we need to be. You can be free from the box. Just because
someone has a past doesn’t mean they are not entitled to a future.

I can tell you, what you see now is not who I am! Who I am is on the
verge of manifesting itself! The enemy tries to make us believe we
aren’t worth the favor of God and that His grace isn’t sufficient,
keeping us trapped in a box. He’s a master at bringing up our past and
shoving it in our face. I say we start reminding the enemy about his
future. I heard someone once say, “Every saint has a past and every
sinner has a future." There is more for us than what we see with our
natural eyes. I’ve seen some people reject a prophetic word that was
spoken over their life just because they can’t imagine ever being more
than what they are living at the present time.

But God, and I repeat, but God sees us as more than conquerors. He
sees us reaching our best. He sees us in our weakness and makes us
strong. He sees us prosperous. He sees us victorious. He sees us free
from bondage. He sees us enjoying the promises and blessings He has
for us. He sees us as more than what meets the eye. Friends, can I
tell you, you look better in the future!

In Him,

Thursday, January 12, 2012

What are you talking about?

When you're having a conversation with a person (gossiping), have you ever
stopped to think what purpose do your words serve in this conversation? My
mom always said "Mija, if they're talking to you about someone, rest assure
that they're also talking to someone else about you." You might want to
think before you speak, or you may have a lot to think about when you're
done speaking. No matter who you are, your words have creative power. The
words we speak can either build up or destroy. The words that we speak are
like a rope that can either set someone free or tie them up.
Have you ever noticed those children that have been spoken down to by other
people? They've been told they are dumb, slow, stupid, retarded, an idiot,
good for nothing...etc. You see that, that child grows up feeding from those
words, which after time became life for them. My friends, words are like
seeds. They have power in them to create. Isaiah says "We will eat the fruit
of our words." What seeds are you planting? If you've broken with words, you
must re-build with words. Each and every one of us literally carry life or
death in our mouth. Measure your words.

On the flip side,

Maybe you're the one who has been verbally destroyed by words someone spoke
over you. Could be by a friend, family member, ..etc. You don't need to live
life off of those words any longer. God's word is living and His word is
strong enough to undo every negative word that has hindered your life. No
one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Their words only have
as much power over you as you give to them. It's time to start hearing the
living word; the word that restores, rebuilds, heals, counsels, loves,
encourages, strengthens, inspires. The word of God. Speak, declare what you
want to be and see. You also have creative power in your mouth. :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Don't Follow your heart, Lead your heart.

“He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but he who walks wisely
will be delivered.” Proverbs 28:26

Ever heard of the saying, “Follow your heart?" Many people use that
phrase to give advice and even apply it to their own lives. Before I
met my fiancé, Gabriel Velez, there was another guy who I had been
talking to for some time. My heart was full throttle in that so called
relationship but deep down I knew he wasn’t the one for me. All along
a course of 3-4 years I allowed my heart to guide me, painting a
picture of what could be when I knew it never would be. That is why
God never intended for us to be led by the heart but by His spirit.
However, often times when it concerns love, people use their heart to
make decisions rather than be led by God and His will concerning our

The word of God says, “The heart is deceitful. Who can understand it?”
Our hearts can lead us down a path that could eventually destroy us if
we don’t allow God to take a hold of it. Who knows the countless
things that I could’ve been doing or the places I would be if I
allowed my heart to continue making decisions for me. One thing I do
know is that I would’ve never met the most wonderful man ever; the
will of God in my life.

The word of God also says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart
will also be." Treasure is anything greatly valued. Take a moment and
think to yourself, "What is it that I greatly value?" You’ll find your
heart there. Now, is your heart in the things of this world (job, man,
women, money, cars, etc.), or is your heart in its creators hands?

I remember the first impression my fiancé said he had when he began
taking notice of me. He saw me interceding on one of my first visits
to New Dawn Marantha Ministries. Besides my good looks, lol, he
noticed how on fire for God I was, which attracted him the most.
Ladies, if you're single and reading this, what I’m saying is that
your heart should be so lost in God that a man will have to seek Him
in order to find it. <3

Friends, don’t let your heart be the source of your reasoning. Your
heart is made of flesh, but we are of the spirit. Allow the God in you
to lead your heart and then follow Him. As my pastor Albert Santiago
says, "We need to begin to reign in life!" That includes every area
such as our heart.

Put your heart in Gods hands. There is no need to
live life in continual confusion with unaccomplished goals. You might
have felt that you tripped/fallen along the way, but have you ever
seen a person trip and fall backwards? Never! The steps of the
righteous are ordained by God. So even when we fall, we fall forward.
Now is the time to surrender your heart to its creator, God almighty,
and let him lead your heart and you follow Him.

"We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps." -Proverbs 16:9

In Him,

Fun Fact: Sea otters hold hands when they sleep so they don't drift
away from each other

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What are you made of?

Everyone goes through transitions in their lives; changes that we make and
changes that we have no control over.

I've been through some major transitions that marked my life this past year and
though I manage to press through with a smile, its not always that easy. Many
look at the final product and think, "Wow, that person really has had it easy",
but my friends that is not always so.

However, I'm not here to tell you about the struggles, problems, and situations
I've faced. You see, its not the change that makes or breaks you, but its the
attitude you take. It's not about "what" your going through, its about "who"
your turning to!

Recently my Pastor Albert Santiago released a word over some people, me being
one of them, declaring that we are climate changers! My friends, if you are
reading this you have to know that you have the authority to create your own
climate. Don't let the storms of life take a hold of you. Don't give yourself up
for dead. Don't stop dreaming just because people sleep on you. Get up! Speak
into the atmosphere. Faith is all about stretching. Your obstacles may seem
intimidating, but greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world.

Are you one that's blown away by the wind or have you built your house on the
rock? What are you made of?

"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it

Be encouraged,